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Keshri Publishing Inc
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Trusted by executives
from leading organizations including:
Turn your idea into a best-selling book. We will work with you from writing to marketing distribution globally.
Effectively communicate complex information to diverse audiences with our expert team of medical doctors, PhDs, MBA holders, and top communicators.
Make a lasting impression with sleek and modern design that is consistent across all elements.
Optimize your website for conversions and grow your online presence. Simplify content creation, newsletters, and site security with our turnkey solution.
Publish engaging and consistent content, reaching your target audience, measuring campaign impact, and staying current with the latest algorithms and best practices.
Achieve positive ROI in your campaigns through robust advertisement creation complying with legal policies, partnership building, and AI-driven financial investment.
At our organization, we focus on helping three types of clients achieve success in their respective markets:
By taking a strategic and intentional approach, we help executives differentiate themselves and attract the right opportunities and connections.
Beginning with a strong strategy we differentiate from the competition by targeting your audience with personalized messaging in print and digital publishing.
We help create a holistic view of the organization's opportunities across different functions, help execute on the plan, and deliver measurable results.
Our proprietary Keshri Method process is designed to help all three types of clients we serve. The Keshri Method process includes three key pillars:
Market Research &
Strategy Development
Print Publishing
& Digital Marketing
& Optimization
The Keshri Method is designed based on our collective decades of experience in various industries from healthcare, technology, retail, professional services, and more. It is important to note our approach is not linear and these pillars represent key principles of our unique process.
Built Thought Leadership Consulting Practice
Launched Marketing for $1M Seed Funding for
Published his life’s work in his book, “The 90 Day CIO”
Developed Hospital Marketing Strategy
Enhanced CaringCrowd Platform
Launched brand in the US with a Digital-Only Strategy
Published the Oncology section in, “Point of Care Medicine”
Launched the Unbreakable Collection
Digitized Overlook Marketing and Built Key Partnerships
Stories with Shri" is a podcast that celebrates the power of storytelling to transmit knowledge, wisdom, and values from one generation to the next. Through interviews with successful leaders from various fields, including entrepreneurs, executives, artists, authors, and other professionals, "Stories with Shri" provides listeners with valuable insights and experiences on building successful organizations and brands, as well as tips and strategies for holistic living.